2021 Aquatic Plant Management Plan Balsam Lake Draft
Click Here to view Plan in PDF
2018 Balsam Lake Permit Application
Click Here to view Plan
Approved 2015 Balsam Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Click Here to view Plan in PDF
Approved 2010 Balsam Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Click Here to view Plan in PDF
Copy also available at: Village of Balsam Lake Public Library
The 5 year plan addresses prevention of invasive species establishment, controlling curly leaf pondweed, maintaining navigation through native plants, and protecting native plant species through aquatic plant management.
Tracking Results
Each year the Lake Biologist creates reports that discuss results of that year's aquatic plan management of invasive species. Balsam Lake's predominant invasive species is Curly Leaf Pondweed, (Scientific name: Potamogeton crispus L).
Click Here to View 2018 Endothall Chemical Fact Sheet
Click Here to View 2018 Tax Roll Parcel Special District Extract
Click Here to View 2017 Turion Survey in PDF
Click Here to View the 2017 Pre/Post treatment and the CLP Bed Mapping Survey in PDF
Click Here to View 2015 Turion Survey in PDF
Balsam Lake Aquatic Plant Management
The Aquatic Plant Management Plan presents strategies for managing aquatic plants by protecting native plant populations, managing curly leaf pondweed, and preventing establishment of invasive species through the year 2014. The plan uses the results of a comprehensive plant survey which will be repeated every five years. It also includes information about the watershed, water quality, and reviews a history of aquatic plant management on Balsam Lake.
Management strategies presented are based upon five plan goals:
1. Manage established invasive species and eradicate newly introduced invasive species to reduce their impacts to the lake.
2. Prevent the introduction of aquatic invasive species.
3. Maintain navigation for fishing and boating in problem areas, access to lake residences, and comfortable swimming at the village beach.
4. Increase lake residents’ and visitors’ understanding of aquatic plants and management.
5. Preserve the diverse native aquatic plant community in Balsam Lake.
An action plan outlines activities to be carried out each year. They include:
- Early season herbicide treatment of priority curly leaf pondweed beds.
- Invasive species monitoring for prevention and early identification.
- A comprehensive Clean Boats, Clean Waters program to educate lake users.
- Contingencies for monitoring and maintaining navigation through native plant beds.
- An aquatic plant management education program.
Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Balsam Lake October 2010. Harmony Environmental and Endangered Resource Services.