Balsam Lake’s Waterfront Runoff Program

The Waterfront Runoff Program began as part of Balsam Lake’s Long Range Plan completed in 2006. Waterfront runoff is a concern because of the nutrients and sediment that are carried in the water to the lake. Nutrients and sediment impact lake water quality. Phosphorus causes algae blooms in the lake, and sediment smothers habitat and can increase nuisance aquatic plant growth.

Many owners around the lake have installed projects to reduce runoff and pollutant loading to the lake. To learn more about the types of landscaping practices click on this link.

To see the project installed on Balsam Lake click here.

Native Planting Program: Improve your Balsam Lake waterfront and get 75% of your cost reimbursed!

The program being considered would be a collaborative effort between lakeshore owners, BLPRD and the Healthy Lakes program to improve water quality and habitat. The Native Planting Program provides Balsam Lakeshore owners support to establish small zones (350 sf+) of native plants on their waterfront. Native plants reduce water runoff, improve water quality, stabilize shoreline, provide a home for birds and other habitat, and add natural beauty to your waterfront property.


Who can take advantage of this program?Shoreline owners who install a minimum 350 sf Native Planting that will benefit the lake and enhance their property’s natural beauty.

What will it cost? Your out-of-pocket costs will probably bein the $100 to $300 range. Typical total costs for a Native Planting of the size required are about $600 if you install it yourself or$1,200 if you hire someone to install it for you. The Healthy Lakesgrant paysfor 75% of the costup to $1,000. You get a beautiful lakeshore garden that helps improve alsamLake’s water quality for only 25% of the cost. More information will be provided at the July 16th BLPRD meeting at Unity School, 9 am.
